Hi I am trying to transfer a list of files from the server to my computer using a while loop, but it keeps giving me the error that there is no file or directory. I can't understand why.
So I have this file list_numbers.txt with over 500 lines
And I want to re-iterate through this list to transfer files from server to my computer with the corresponding foldername to my computer but replacing assembly_graph.txt with $line_for_assembly.txt
while read line; do scp -r user@server.com:/home/Documents/$line_assembly/assembly_graph.txt /Users/Documents/$line_for_assembly.txt; done < list_numbers.txt
So basically I want it to do the below code, but instead of me having to manually type it, it would re-iterate through the list.
scp -r user@server.com:/home/Documents/1234_assembly/assembly_graph.txt /Users/Documents/1234_for_assembly.txt
scp -r user@server.com:/home/Documents/345_assembly/assembly_graph.txt /Users/Documents/345_for_assembly.txt
scp -r user@server.com:/home/Documents/2135_assembly/assembly_graph.txt /Users/Documents/2135_for_assembly.txt
scp -r user@server.com:/home/Documents/2132_assembly/assembly_graph.txt /Users/Documents/2132_for_assembly.txt
But I get this error:
scp: /home/Documents//assembly_graph.txt: No such file or directory
So it is not picking up the $line_assembly, even when I do ${line}_assembly. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
because you do not have a variable named line_assembly.
Perhaps you mean to the following:
while read line
line=`echo $line | tr -d '\r\n'`
scp -r user@server.com:/home/Documents/${line}_assembly/assembly_graph.txt /Users/Documents/${line}_for_assembly.txt
done < list_numbers.txt
this will expand as the value of line followed by the text "_assembly".
For example if "line" has the value "component" you will get
EDIT: OP had spurious characters in his/her input file (probably \r characters from windows). I've edited the answer accordingly to accommodate OP's specific issue.