While I am updating my React app from version 15.4.1 to React 16.8.6 I get the error
Cannot read property 'object' of undefined at Object../node_modules/radium/lib/components
How do i fix this error
var Style = _react2.default.createClass({
28 | displayName: 'Style',
29 | propTypes: {
> 30 | radiumConfig: _react.PropTypes.object,
31 | rules: _react.PropTypes.object,
32 | scopeSelector: _react.PropTypes.string
33 | },
this is what i get on my browser
This is because PropTypes
are no longer available in React v16. You may need to update to a later version of Radium as the library has been updated to use the prop-types
package from npm.
You can see the radium change log here