Ok, here's the deal: I am constructing a Drupal website that has several different sections. Each section is a view that displays a content type. (Each section has it's own content type) For example, I have a view that points to ?q=blog
which displays content type blog
All the sections look a little different than each other. Not like 'website-within-a-website' different but different enough that they can't all use the same template file and each be modified with CSS. Each section needs it's own page.tpl.php
Unfortunately, AFAIK Drupal theme's .info files can only either assign one page.tpl.php
for the entire theme or assign a page-node-####.tpl.php
for each node. There is going to be lots of content on this website so setting Drupal to make a new identical page-node-####.tpl.php
for every created node would get unmanagable very fast.
To solve this problem, I am going to use pathauto to create an alias for each content type. For example, all nodes of content type blog
are given an alias ?q=blog/[post title]
. Modify template.php
to use page-blog.tpl.php
for any page who's alias starts with the word 'blog'.
Other people have tried doing this sort of thing and have created functions such as the one described. Unfortunately, all the ones I have seen are for Drupal 6 or below. I have tried modifying existing ones with no success. So far, though, I think this is on the right track:
function basic_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) {
if( module_exists('path') ) {
$alias = drupal_get_path_alias( $_GET['q'] );
$site_section = "blog";
if( strpos( $alias, $site_section ) === 0 ) {
does anyone know what it is?
Maybe my site is structured badly. If anyone knows how to restructure my site so I can more easily make a theme with seperate sections please share how!
Thanks a million! (c:
EDIT: Perhaps I need to use template suggestions instead. Does anyone know the function or variable to use to set this?
They changed the name of this array key in D7 and I haven't seen it documented anywhere. I finally figured this out after a good bit of debugging. You can override the theme template in template.php with a hook_preprocess_page() like so:
function myTheme_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
global $node;
if ($node->type == 'blog') {
$vars['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array('my__blog_template'); // use my--blog-template.tpl.php, note '-' = '_'
elseif ($node->type == 'articles') {
$vars['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array('article__node_template'); // use article--node-template.tpl.php
Oh and don't forget to flush the Drupal caches after making changes to your template.php.