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How to get the API response from a csv file Using Bottle in python

Below is the sample of the CSV file(sample.csv) i am using

ID  Name         Address    Category
1   Person 1    Address 1   1234568789  Category1
2   Person 2    Address 2   1234568790  Category2
3   Person 3    Address 3   1234568791  Category3
4   Person 4    Address 4   1234568792  Category4
5   Person 5    Address 5   1234568793  Category1
6   Person 6    Address 6   1234568794  Category2
7   Person 7    Address 7   1234568795  Category3
8   Person 8    Address 8   1234568796  Category2
9   Person 9    Address 9   1234568797  Category1

Using Bottle Framework i want to build a restful webservice to query this CSV file. The Request will be “/getDetails?category=x”.Response should be table of records (tuples) of ID,Name,Address, belong to the category


  • This is one of the ways to do it:

    from bottle import route, run, template, response
    from json import dumps
    import csv
    output = []
    # API Endpoint
    def get_details():
        category = request.forms.get('category')
        response.content_type = 'application/json'        
        # read csv file
        csv_file = open("file-question", "r")
        reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
        #Traversing the CSV file
        for row in reader:
            if row[4] == category:
        # Return Output
        return dumps(output)
    run(host='localhost', port=8080)