I have a server where i will be logging into the server from my local machine and create a tunnel.
I have a bash script which is not creating tunnel
sshpass -p ${1} ssh ${2}@${3}
ssh -L <port1>:<host>:80 -i /home/<user>/private_key <user_ID>@<host2>
Result i am getting -
sh ssh_to_box.sh pwd username remotehost
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Last login: Thu May 30 09:36:36 2019 from remotehost
Script is not doing tunneling. Also it should do $bash
How to ssh to remote and create tunnel from that remote machine and keep the tunnel alive?
Solved the issue:
sshpass -p ${1} ssh -t ${2}@${3} 'ssh -L '${4}':'${5}':'${6}' -i /home/<Path>_key '${2}'@'${7}''