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Save RTSP stream continuously into multi mp4 files with specific length (10 minutes) in ffmpeg

I'm recording RTSP stream from camera into .mp4 files using ffmpeg and I want to roll it into multi files with 10 minutes long every videos.

Currently I have a solution for this: I'm setting a time length '00:10:00', after it finished then I will restart below command with new process. Sample:

ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i <rtsp_url> -acodec copy -vcodec  copy  -t 00:10:00 D:\video_test.mp4

But this solution makes camera becoming unstable, RTSP stream uasually corrupted with this error:

rtsp:// Operation not permitted

I want to find better solution to keep connection to RTSP stream continuously (not create new process with a -t flag).

Does anyone have better idea to keep recording stream continuously? Thanks


  • FFmpeg has a segment muxer you can use for this.

    Basic form is

    ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i <rtsp_url> -c copy -f segment -segment_time 600 stream_piece_%d.mp4

    Note that the segment muxer splits at keyframes, so there are likely to be small deviations in the segment durations obtained.