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Using different datastores in the Rails same app?

So this is more or less an implementation question, this is the senario I have, basically we have an app which uses MySQL as it's datastore, user accounts, transactions etc, but we want to add in a robust charting feature and the data will be stored in Redis, now basically my question is:

Is it possible, and what are the best practices for integrating another datastore into an app which already depends on another one. Can I use Rack to generate the reports? etc...

I want to turn this into a sort of open discussion because I think the need for a solution like this is going to rise as we see more and more key/value stores that offer benefits far different than a RDBMS, an NoSQL stores as well. They all have their benefits but no one solution covers them all.



  • You can have models that do not inherit ActiveRecord::Base. Add your preferred Redis client gem, do whatever config is necessary, and start writing Redis models.