I'm trying to create a function which selects columns based on the input to a function:
f <- function(string) {
quosure <- quo(!!sym(string))
dplyr::select(data, !!quosure)
temp <- f("id") # returns " Error in !quosure : invalid argument type"
Strangely, this very similar looking code seems to work.
g <- function(string) {
quosure <- quo(!!sym(string))
dplyr::pull(data, !!quosure)
temp <- g("id") # Works fine
What is the difference between the first and the second function which means that the first fails and the second works?
It works fine for me with dplyr version ''.
data <- data.frame(id= 1:10, othervariable= 11:20)
f <- function(string) {
quosure <- quo(!!sym(string))
dplyr::select(data, !!quosure)
temp <- f("id")
1 1
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And if you need to select (multiple) column(s) from a dataframe with a vector of characters I would rather do
df <- data.frame(id= 1:10, othervariable= 11:20, x= 21:30)
f <- function(data, string) {
data[ , string]
temp <- f(data= df, string= c("id", "x"))
id x
1 1 21
2 2 22
3 3 23
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10 10 30