EDIT I have the following =>
createMission$ = this.actions$.pipe(
switchMap((action) =>
this.store$.pipe(select(MissionsStoreSelectors.getById(), {id : action.payload.routeId}))),
switchMap((mission) => this.dataService.createMission(this.APIMissionFromMissionRoute(mission)).pipe(
map(response => new featureActions.CreateMissionSuccess({response, mission})),
catchError((error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
return of(new featureActions.CreateMissionFailed({error}));
right now, there is no server, but I faked the reply with an observable
createMission(params: API_MODEL.IMissionAPI): Observable<API_MODEL.CreateMissionResponse> {
return new Observable(observer => {
setTimeout(() => {
result: {
status: 2
missionID: {
identifier: 41
}, 120);
the thing is, my second switchmap
switchMap((mission) => this.dataService.createMission(this.APIMissionFromMissionRoute(mission))
is looping. this is because my first switchMap is getting a selectore with a parameter, and when my state is updated, it trigger again my second switchmap.
I would like to know if there is a way to get my current state in another way.
I tried withLatest, but I need to access the current action.payload to get what I want, and I can't pass action to withLatest
You should use take operator to let outer observable complete like this [otherwise as you said that store will get updated and it will trigger to execute the selector] -
this.store$.pipe(select(MissionsStoreSelectors.getById(), {id : action.payload.routeId})).pipe(take(1)))