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Adding Google Firebase in Cocos2dx iOS project

First time using google firebase analytics in iOS SDK.

Now I have downloaded Google Firebase SDK manually...not used Cocoa pods.

Along with analytics it has lots of folders..added all. Am I need to add only analytics related files ?

Received linker error : framework not found Protobuf

enter image description here


  • From the Firebase zip instructions:

    5. Drag each framework from the directory named after the SDK into the Project Navigator pane.

    From the screenshot, it looks like you're using Firestore, but didn't copy the dependent Protobuf.framework in the Firestore folder:

     $ ls ~/Downloads/Firebase/Firestore/
    BoringSSL-GRPC.framework    Protobuf.framework      gRPC-C++.framework      leveldb-library.framework
    FirebaseFirestore.framework Resources           gRPC-Core.framework