In flutter creating named routes is easy and logical, but only when returning a MaterialApp.
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
initialRoute: "/";
return MaterialApp( //gives errors when I return a Container
routes: {
"/" : (context) => FirstRoute(),
"/second route" : (context) => SecondRoute()
I am not that big a fan of Material Design and want to create a UI from my own design.
But when I apply the same pattern when returning a container I get an error.
So my qustion is how do I have named route setup with a vanilla Flutter App or am I being forced to use MaterialApp for my project?
Thanks in advance
MaterialApp is just a collection of commonly used components such as a navigator. You could also use a CupertinoApp. Material uses iOS navigation animations on iOS and Android animations on android. Though you’re not stuck to the UI design because you’re using a MaterialApp as a foundation. You are able to build whatever UI you want with a material app or even use Cupertino widgets. It’s all up to you.