I'm working on a project for a college course I'm currently on and I'm having some trouble trying to insert data into a database from an application developed in Visual Studio 2017. I've already connected to the database and am able to open it from the application.
The issue arises when I try to enter data into the table. I get a syntax error. Usually this means there an issue with the actual command right? Well i thought about this and created a new database, and another project and got the inert into command working for that one. At this point , a week of trying to get it to work, I'm stuck and desperately need help. Here is the code I'm using to try and add data to the table.
catch (Exception E)
MessageBox.Show("!!ATTENTION!! - Error accessing database. Please restart the application. ::::" + E.ToString());
OleDbCommand DataBaseAddEntry = new OleDbCommand();
DataBaseAddEntry.Connection = Form1.DataBaseConnection;
DataBaseAddEntry.CommandText = "insert into Shoe(Size, Type, Name) values('" + int.Parse(TxtBoxSize.Text) + "','" + TxtBoxType.Text + "','" + TxtBoxName.Text + "')";
As a side not, I didn't design the database or create it. I have to work in a team and the database was created by another member. So when I created my own database it worked fine. Could it be something to do with the actual database and not the code?
Try removing the single quotes from the value for Size, as this looks like it should be an int types.
DataBaseAddEntry.CommandText = "insert into Shoe([Size], [Type], [Name]) values(" + int.Parse(TxtBoxSize.Text) + ",'" + TxtBoxType.Text + "','" + TxtBoxName.Text + "')";
Also, as the comment suggests, you should use parameterized SQL and consider wrapping the try block over the whole database operation, and not only the attempt to open.