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MATLAB: how to normalize/denormalize a vector to range [-1;1]
Hi, just started using Matlab and I would like to know how to rescale the data in a matrix. I have a matrix of N rows by M columns and want to rescale the data in the columns to be between -1 and 1.
Each column contains values that vary in scale from say 0 - 10,000 to some that are between 0 and 1, the reason I want to normalise to between -1 and 1 as these values will be used in a Neural Network as input values for a transform function that is sine based.
Neither of the previous answers are correct. This is what you need to do:
[rows,~]=size(A);%# A is your matrix
colMax=max(abs(A),[],1);%# take max absolute value to account for negative numbers
The matrix normalizedA
will have values between -1
and 1
A =
-1.0689 0.3252 -0.1022 -0.8649
-0.8095 -0.7549 -0.2414 -0.0301
-2.9443 1.3703 0.3192 -0.1649
1.4384 -1.7115 0.3129 0.6277
normalizedA =
-0.3630 0.1900 -0.3203 -1.0000
-0.2749 -0.4411 -0.7564 -0.0347
-1.0000 0.8006 1.0000 -0.1906
0.4885 -1.0000 0.9801 0.7258