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StyleLint - Ignore specific folders and files

I'm using StyleLint with Webpack.

My current Webpack configuration is:

module.exports.styleLint = (isProd = false) => {
  const options = {
    configFile: './.stylelintrc.json',
    files: '**/*.less',
    format: 'less',
    failOnError: false,
    quiet: false,
    emitErrors: isProd
  return new StyleLintPlugin(options);

How can I specify some folders or files to be ignored by StyleLint (I don't want to see any errors in the output)?


I don't want to add

/* stylelint-disable */

inside these files.


  • I used the following configuration in the stylelint config file:

        "extends": "stylelint-config-recommended",
        "ignoreFiles": [

    And it skipped the files in the specified folder.