I am dispatching an action which makes an API call to a backend and then I am updating the store. I need to access props on the next line after the action dispatch in my React Component.
//need the user here
Action looks like this in my actions.js file and is being mapped to props in my react component
const getUser = () => ({
type: 'GET_USER'
The action goes into the Saga.js file which calls a service file with the API call. If this is not sufficient information please let me know and I will elaborate more on it.
In redux-saga
, yield
is the keyword that waits for the API call to finish, and returns our results. The basic pattern of using it for API calls looks like this:
import { call, put, takeEvery, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import Api from '...' <-- the path to your API endpoint
// will be fired on GET_USER actions
function* getUser(action) {
try {
// redux-saga will wait till the endpoint function will finish and return
const user = yield call(Api.getUser);
// In your reducer: you're returning the user
yield put({type: "GET_USER_SUCCEEDED", user: user});
} catch (e) {
// Or an error message
yield put({type: "GET_USER_FAILED", message: e.message});
// the saga you link to your middle-ware setup where you setting up the store.
function* rootSaga() {
yield takeEvery("GET_USER", getUser);
Note that you'll want redux
to handle request/error/success. then you'll need the following cases GET_USER
, respectively.