I need to bring the files (zip, csv, xml etc) from windows share location to HDFS. Which is the best approach ? I have kafka - flume - hdfs in mind. Please suggest the efficient way.
I tried getting the files to Kafka consumer.
producer.send( new ProducerRecord(topicName,key,value),
Expect an efficient approach
Kafka is not designed to send files, only individual messages of up to 1MB, by default.
You can install NFS Gateway in Hadoop, then you should be able to copy directly from the windows share to HDFS without any streaming technology, only a scheduled script on the windows machine, or externally ran
Or you can mount the windows share on some Hadoop node, and schedule a Cron job if you need continuous file delivery - https://superuser.com/a/1439984/475508
Other solutions I've seen use tools like Nifi / Streamsets which can be used to read/move files