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Making Array Of Requests Using Requests Library In Python

I am using the requests library to map an array of requests after I get an array from another API request. I am using a loop for the requests but I sure there is a better way to do this because this API request can have 500+ items, so finishing this looping is taking 20+ minutes sometimes.

I tried to use the grequests library and I kept getting recursion complaints. I would love to use an async/map method if possible but after researching apparently the async library is not supported anymore.

self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
response = requests.get("")
data = response.json()
story_list = []

for story in data:
    temp_string = "{}.json?print=pretty".format(story)
    story_data = requests.get(temp_string)

There should be a better way to do this looping than the current method because 20+ minutes to get the data is not acceptable. The API response in the original array can return an array of 500+ so the method should be scalable.


  • requests is synchronous, so your script waits for a response to make a new request. So Maybe you should look into aiohttp and aysnchronous requests.

    This could be an example : Is that benchmark reliable - aiohttp vs requests