I am trying to cast a response object from an HTTP Post request in my angular project to a Person
class that I have defined. I have defined a generic post method in an HTTP Service, and am calling that in my person service with the generic replaced with Person
. So, I would think, since I have done that the HTTP response
should be a Person
, but it's not - it's just an Object
. I need it to be a Person
because my Person class has some custom logic on it that I need to access. I could write a helper method in my person service, but I feel like this should work - especially since VS Code intellisense says that the response
in my component is a Person
when I hover my mouse over it.
Here is my code:
export class HttpService {
baseUrl = 'https://baseurl.com';
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
post<T>(endpointUrl: string, body: any): Observable<T> {
const fullUrl = this.baseUrl + endpointUrl;
return this.http
.post<T>(fullUrl, body)
map(response => response as T)
export class PersonService {
constructor(private httpService: HttpService) { }
newPerson(body: Person): Observable<Person> {
return this.httpService.post<Person>('/people', JSON.stringify(body));
selector: 'app-person',
templateUrl: './person.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./person.component.css'],
export class PersonComponent {
person: Person = new Person();
onSubmit(id: number) {
if (id == 0) {
console.log(this.person); // Person {id: 0, ...
console.log(this.person.constructor.name); // Person
let body = this.person.fromFormGroup(this.formGroup);
.subscribe(response => { // VS Code intellisense says this: (parameter) response : Person
this.person = response as Person;
console.log(this.person); // {id: 72, ...
console.log(this.person.constructor.name); // Object
// Trying a different way
this.person = <Person>response;
console.log(this.person); // {id: 72, ...
console.log(this.person.constructor.name); // Object
newPerson(body: Person): Observable<Person> {
return this.httpService.post<Person>('/people', JSON.stringify(body));
The HttpClient.post()
method can not return type Person
, because JSON responses are just cast to types. The default type is just Object
, but you need to create a new instance of Person
for each response. If the type was an interface then there would be no problem.
You can create a new instance of Person
and then assign the values to that instance.
newPerson(body: Person): Observable<Person> {
return this.httpService.post('/people', JSON.stringify(body)).pipe
map(value => Object.assign(new Person(), value)