I have Consul running via docker using docker-compose
version: '3'
image: unifio/consul:latest
- "8500:8500"
- "8300:8300"
- ./config:/config
- ./.data/consul:/data
command: agent -server -data-dir=/data -ui -bind -client -bootstrap-expect=1
image: mongo
- "27017:27017"
- "27018:27018"
- ./.data/mongodb:/data/db
command: mongod --bind_ip_all
and have a nodejs service running on port 6001
which exposes a /health
endpoint for health checks.
I am able to register the service via this consul package.
However, visiting the consul UI I can see that the service has a status of failing
because the health check is not working.
The UI show this message:
Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Not sure why is not working exactly, but I kind of sense that i may have misconfigured consul. Any help would be great.
Consul is running in your docker container. When you use in this container, it refers to itself, not to your host.
You need to use a host IP that is known to your container (and of course make sure your service is reachable and listening on this particular IP).
In most cases, you should be able to contact your host from a container through the default docker0
bridge ip that you can get with ip addr show dev docker0
from your host as outlined in this other answer.
The best solution IMO is to discover the gateway that your container is using which will point to the particular bridge IP on your host (i.e. the bridge created for your docker-compose project when starting it). There are several methods you can use to discover this ip from the container depending on the installed tooling and your linux flavor.