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How to export from BigQuery to Datastore?

I have tables in BigQuery which I want to export and import in Datastore. How to achieve that?


  • Table from BigQuery can be exported and imported to your datastore.

    Download the jar file from

    Then run the command

    java -cp bigquery-to-datastore-bundled-0.5.1.jar com.github.yuiskw.beam.BigQuery2Datastore --project=yourprojectId --runner=DataflowRunner  --inputBigQueryDataset=datastore  --inputBigQueryTable=metainfo_internal_2 --outputDatastoreNamespace=default --outputDatastoreKind=meta_internal  --keyColumn=key --indexedColumns=column1,column2 --tempLocation=gs://gsheetbackup_live/temp  --gcpTempLocation=gs://gsheetlogfile_live/temp

    --tempLocation and --gcpTempLocation are valid cloud storage bucket urls.

    --keyColumn=key - the key here is the unique field on your big query table