I have the following code where I make a post request and I have set Authorization header with JWToken in my server. I wish to extract the JWToken from the response header and save it in local storage using port. How to get hold of the Response? I see Metadata which has Headers in the Response type. ref - https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/http/latest/Http#Response
type Msg
= EnteredEmail String
| EnteredPassword String
| SubmittedForm
| RegistrationSuccess (Result Http.Error ())
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
EnteredEmail email ->
updateForm (\form -> { form | email = email }) model
EnteredPassword password ->
updateForm (\form -> { form | password = password }) model
RegistrationSuccess _->
-- TODO save JWT in local storage on successful registration
(model, Cmd.none)
SubmittedForm ->
-- TODO validate the form
(model, postCall model)
postCall : Model -> Cmd Msg
postCall model = Http.post {
url = "http://localhost:9000/register",
body = Http.jsonBody (
("age", Json.Encode.int 30),
("email", Json.Encode.string model.form.email),
("password", Json.Encode.string model.form.password)
expect = Http.expectWhatever RegistrationSuccess
You can get to the Response
and headers by using Http.expectStringResponse
or Http.expectBytesResponse
instead of Http.expectWhatever
Here's an example that defines a convenience function expectJWT
which will retrieve and return the Authorization
header, or if it does not exist returns BadStatus 403
. In postCall
all that's changed is that Http.expectWhatever
has been replaced with expectJWT
expectJWT : (Result Http.Error String -> msg) -> Http.Expect msg
expectJWT toMsg =
Http.expectStringResponse toMsg <|
\response ->
case response of
Http.BadUrl_ url ->
Err (Http.BadUrl url)
Http.Timeout_ ->
Err Http.Timeout
Http.NetworkError_ ->
Err Http.NetworkError
Http.BadStatus_ metadata body ->
Err (Http.BadStatus metadata.statusCode)
Http.GoodStatus_ metadata body ->
|> Dict.get "Authorization"
|> Result.fromMaybe (Http.BadStatus 403)
postCall : Model -> Cmd Msg
postCall model = Http.post {
url = "http://localhost:9000/register",
body = Http.jsonBody (
("age", Json.Encode.int 30),
("email", Json.Encode.string model.form.email),
("password", Json.Encode.string model.form.password)
expect = expectJWT RegistrationSuccess