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How to test (unit test) a BehaviorSubject in Flutter?

I would like to test the controllers stream that manages my form. Here I am trying to test my email controller which is connected to a validator.

I managed to get the controller value add via the sink method and recover via the stream method.


  final emailController = BehaviorSubject<String>();

  Stream<String> get email =>;

  Function(String) get changeEmail => emailController.sink.add;

Validator to test

final validateEmail =
      StreamTransformer<String, String>.fromHandlers(handleData: (email, sink) {
    final emailRegExp = new RegExp(
      caseSensitive: false,
      multiLine: false,

    if (email.contains('@')) {
    } else {
      sink.addError('Enter a valid email');

Unit test

void main() {
  UserProfilEditBloc userProfilEditBloc = new UserProfilEditBloc();

  test('Email check BehaviorSubject', () {
    userProfilEditBloc.changeEmail('testtest'); //Expected @

    expect(, emits('Enter a valid email'));

Error message

00:02 +0 -1: Email check BehaviorSubject [E]
  Enter a valid email
  dart:async                                              _StreamController.addError
  package:async/src/result/error.dart 30:10               ErrorResult.addTo
  package:async/src/stream_queue.dart 959:29              _TransactionRequest.update
  package:async/src/stream_queue.dart 426:31              StreamQueue._updateRequests
  package:async/src/stream_queue.dart 514:5               StreamQueue._addResult
  package:async/src/stream_queue.dart 486:9               StreamQueue._ensureListening.<fn>
  dart:async                                              _EventSinkWrapper.addError
  package:nexo/src/blocs/UserProfilEditBloc.dart 29:12    new _UserProfilEditBloc&Object&InputValidators.<fn>
  ===== asynchronous gap ===========================
  dart:async                                              _BoundSinkStream.listen
  package:rxdart/src/observables/observable.dart 1724:20  Observable.listen
  package:async/src/stream_queue.dart 483:31              StreamQueue._ensureListening
  package:async/src/stream_queue.dart 542:7               StreamQueue._addRequest
  package:async/src/stream_queue.dart 299:5               StreamQueue.startTransaction
  package:test_api                                        expect
  package:flutter_test/src/widget_tester.dart 196:3       expect
  test/register_form_test.dart 15:5                       main.<fn>

00:02 +0 -1: Some tests failed.

If I forget @, the validator fills the sink.addError () that will cause this error. All goes well when the validator performs a sink.add().


  • I believe, all you are missing is: emitsError. BehaviourSubject has a cached value, so how you'd go about testing this is:

      test('Email check BehaviorSubject', () {
        expectLater(, emitsInOrder([
          emits(anything), // current email if you want to check for that
          emitsError('Enter a valid email'),\
          // emitsDone // in case you also close the stream with the error
        userProfilEditBloc.changeEmail('testtest'); //Expected @

    rxDart test files usually give a pretty good starting point how to test functionality.