I’m actually working on a rails app and I have some troubles with ActiveStorage.
My rails app is online, everything work perfectly. I have a model call Room in my app, and each owner of a Room can add a banner image.
Actually if a user create a new Room, he can add a banner image, everything work, that’s good.
My first problem is for the Room already created before I install Active Storage, I can not add banner image.
I thought I can re-use the form i used for New in Edit but not, my attachment is nill.
My second problem : if I a user try to update the image, that’s doesn’t work. The user has to delete first and then add a new one, from my edit page.
My Room.rb :
class Room < ApplicationRecord
validates :title, uniqueness: true, presence: true, length: {maximum: 50}
validates :description, uniqueness: true, presence: true, length: {maximum: 200}
validates :theme, presence: true
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :theme
has_many :subjects, dependent: :destroy
has_many :rubrics, dependent: :destroy
has_many :favorites, dependent: :destroy
has_one_attached :header_image
attr_accessor :remove_header_image
# delette header image
after_save :purge_header_image, if: :remove_header_image
private def purge_header_image
# Consider room as searchable
searchkick searchable: [:title]
my Room controller :
class RoomsController < ApplicationController
def index
# @rooms = Room.all
@rooms = policy_scope(Room)
def new
@room = Room.new
authorize @room
def show
@room = Room.find(params[:id])
@favorite_exists = Favorite.where(room: @room, user: current_user) == [] ? false : true
if params[:rubric_id]
@subject = Subject.where(room: @room, rubric_id: params[:rubric_id])
@subject = Subject.where(room: @room)
authorize @room
@footer_variable = true
def create
@room = Room.new(room_params)
@room.user_id = current_user.id
authorize @room
if @room.save
redirect_to new_room_rubric_path(@room)
render :new
def edit
@room = Room.find(params[:id])
authorize @room
def update
@room = Room.find(params[:id])
redirect_to room_edit_room_rubric_path(@room)
authorize @room
def room_params
params.require(:room).permit(:title, :description, :theme_id, :header_image, :remove_header_image)
my Edit form :
<div class="col-sm-7">
<%= simple_form_for [@room], :html => { class: 'form-create'} do |f| %>
<!-- form row 1 -->
<span><p class="box"><i class="fas fa-clipboard-check"></i></p></span>
<%= f.association :theme, input_html: {class: 'mt-15-n fa-select'}, prompt: 'Selectionnez un thème', collection: Theme.all, label_method: :title, value_method: :id, label: "Theme" %>
<!-- form row 2 -->
<span><p class="box"><i class="fas fa-rocket"></i></p></span>
<%=f.input :title, input_html: {class: 'mt-15-n' ,:rows => 4}, :placeholder => 'Nom de votre communauté' %>
<!-- edit header image -->
<span><p class="box"><i class="far fa-images"></i></p></span>
<!-- actual image -->
<% if @room.header_image.attached? %>
<p class="description">Votre bannière actuelle</p>
<%= image_tag @room.header_image.variant(resize: "300x300") %>
<!-- delete image -->
<p class="description">Supprimer la bannière.</p>
<%=f.check_box :remove_header_image %>
<% else %>
<p>Vous n'avez pas de banière, ajoutez une banière ci-dessous :</p>
<%=f.file_field :header_image, :class => "asterisk" %>
<% end %>
<!-- form row 3 -->
<div class="mt-20">
<span><p class="box"><i class="fas fa-bars"></i></p></span>
<%= f.input :description, :input_html => {class: 'mt-15-n', :rows => 5}, :maxlength =>"200", :placeholder => 'Description', hint: "Max 200 characters" %>
<%= f.submit "Suivant", class: "btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
Rooms Routes :
rooms GET /rooms(.:format) rooms#index
POST /rooms(.:format) rooms#create
new_room GET /rooms/new(.:format) rooms#new
edit_room GET /rooms/:id/edit(.:format) rooms#edit
room GET /rooms/:id(.:format) rooms#show
PATCH /rooms/:id(.:format) rooms#update
PUT /rooms/:id(.:format) rooms#update
If you have an Idea ... 🙏🏻 Thanks a lot for your help !
I was not able to reproduce your problems, but I had an issue with this line:
after_save :purge_header_image, if: :remove_header_image
The variable remove_header_image
comes as parameter from the checkbox, so it can be "0"
or "1"
, as String, not false
or true
. It means it evaluates always to true
So I suggest to change as follows and see if it works:
after_save :purge_header_image
def purge_header_image
header_image.purge_later if remove_header_image == '1'