What is the proper way to map data array to checkboxes form array? I tried code bellow but it doesn't work...Goal is to get informations from httpclient and map it to data array that's ok, but cannot map data array to form array correctly...
data = [
{ id: false, name: "Ovo" },
{ id: false, name: "Ono" },
{ id: false, name: "Levo" },
{ id: false, name: "Desno" }
this.postForm = this.fb.group({
osnovne: this.fb.group({
sekcija: ["market", Validators.required],
kategorija: "",
cena: [""],
dogovor: false,
opis: ""
detaljne: this.fb.group({
select: this.fb.array([]),
checkboxes: this.fb.array([])
imagePath: this.fb.group({
data: ""
<form [formGroup]="postForm">
<div formGroupName="detaljne">
*ngFor="let data of data; let i = index"
<input [id]="data.id" type="checkbox" [formControl]="checkboxes[i]" />
<label [for]="data.id">
{{ data.name }}</label
you just need to set the formControtName in the checkboxes array base of the index
this how I set the controls data updateDataControls
ngOnInit() {
const cData: IControls<boolean>[] = [
{ value: false, name: "Ovo" },
{ value: true, name: "Ono" },
{ value: false, name: "Levo" },
{ value: true, name: "Desno" }
updateDataControls(controls: IControls<any>[]) {
this.data = controls;
const controlsForm = this.form.get('controls').get('checkboxes') as FormArray;
for (const c of controls) {
<div [formGroup]="form">
<div formGroupName="controls">
<div formArrayName="checkboxes">
<div *ngFor="let c of data;let index = index">
<input type="checkbox" [formControlName]="index" >
check the complete example at 👉 stackblitz demo 🔥🔥