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I am currently working with Forge RCDB and MongoDB, but there is no data in Database and cost Breaddown, always show loading

I am currently working with Forge RCDB and MongoDB, but there is no data in Database and cost Breaddown, always show loading


  • Make sure you have followed the README to import the sample data to your MongoDB properly and use models that are compatible with RCDB:

    1/ You need to translate at least one model using your own Forge credentials, so it can be loaded by your app. In order to do that take a look at the step-by-step tutorial from the Model Derivative API to understand exactly what this is about. If you want to skip that manual process you can use one of our live sample: This app lets you put your credentials and translate a model on your behalf. Another option would be to deploy to heroku the Forge boiler plate sample #5. Make sure you deploy Project #5. This set up is more straightforward since it doesn't require any Cloud database or pre-translated models. It will let you upload, translate and manage further models as well.

    Once you have translated at least one model, take note of its URN, that's the base64 encoded objectId. You also need a model which has some "Material" properties to be compatible with forge-rcdb because it is expecting components with that property. You can use Engine.dwf placed in the resource/models directory of this project.

    Just gave it a go myself and it worked well:

    enter image description here