I'm running a Libre Office Base database to manage my co-op's membership directory. I'm trying to write a query to get a count of current membership, but I keep running into a SQL Status 37000, error code -16, Wrong data type: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException in statement [SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "Families" WHERE "Families"."Renewal Date" > '06/30/18'].
My query
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "Families" WHERE "Families"."Renewal Date" > '06/30/18'
From everything I've seen and read, that query is formatted appropriately and I've checked the table name and column name, repeatedly.
You can use this construction for Date values
{D '2012-01-01'}
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "Families" WHERE "Families"."Renewal Date" > {D '2018-06-30'}
the format '06/30/18' is ok only for Open Office