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String buffer fails to write data to database table

I am porting a mongo database over to a PostgreSQL one and I came across with an issue. I am using psycopg2's COPY_FROM, which takes as arguments a file object, the table to write to and other optional arguments. My original code looked like the following:

records = '\n'.join(','.join([row['id'], row['att1'], row['att3']]) for row in data)
fio = io.StringIO(records)
cursor.copy_from(fio, 'mytable', sep=',')

The code above works fine but fails for columns containing commas (splits by commas). Thus, I want to escape all commas and other punctuation that may interfere. For this, I used Python's csv module which handles this and got to the following code:

fio = io.StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(fio)
writer.writerows([row['id'], row['att1'], row['att3']]) for row in data)
cursor.copy_from(fio, 'mytable', sep=',')

Using the code above, mytable remains empty no matter what. I tried iterating fio after writing the rows and the content is the same as in the initial code snippet (using ','.join). I also checked the size of the object and it has about the same size in both snippets after writing the records.

What am I missing here? Why isn't the data being written to the table in the second example?


  • After writing to fio you are at the end of the file. You need to return to the start for when it is read by psycopg2.

    Easy modification, like so:

    fio = io.StringIO()
    writer = csv.writer(fio)
    writer.writerows([row['id'], row['att1'], row['att3']]) for row in data) # Return to beginning of file.
    cursor.copy_from(fio, 'mytable', sep=',')