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R Loop To Make New Vectors

data = data.frame("id"=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),

That is a sample of my data. I want population-weighted counts of the score variable like so:

count(data, score1, wt = weight1)
count(data, score2, wt = weight2)
count(data, score3, wt = weight3)
count(data, score4, wt = weight4)
count(data, score5, wt = weight5)

However I aim to make a loop of a type such that, I can do this for every combination of 'group' and 'type' for scores1-5 and store these in separate vectors such that

vec1 = weighted score variable for scores1-5 for group = 1 and type = 1
vec2 = weighted score variable for scores1-5 for group = 1 and type = 2
vec3 = weighted score variable for scores1-5 for group = 1 and type = 3

and so on and so forth.


  • We can use map to loop through each of the corresponding 'score', 'weight' and get the count

    out <- map(1:5, ~ 
           data %>%
             select(group, type, matches(as.character(.x))) %>% 
             group_by(group, type) %>%
             count(!! rlang::sym(str_c("score", .x)), 
             wt = !! rlang::sym(str_c("weight", .x))))

    The output would be a list of frequency count tibble. If we want to create a single data, use map_df with .id