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Valgrind found 3 memory leaks but I can't figure out where they are

I tried to implement the basic String class by myself and it's working fine, but Valgrind says there are 3 memory leaks and I can't figure out where and why. I really tried to delete everything after it isn't used anymore (I have started using Valgrind today). Now I'm really concerned about my basic C/C++ memory management knowledge. I made a comment to the places in the code where Valgrind found a leak (//VALGRIND). I've also uploaded a screenshot of this error message click to see the screenshot.

EDIT: I have updated the screenshot, so you can see the full output.


template<typename char_type = char>
class StringT {

 explicit StringT(const char_type *str) {
        if (str != nullptr) {
            size_t len = strlen(str);
            m_str = new char_type[len + 1]; //VALGRIND: 6 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 3
            strcpy(m_str, str);

   ~StringT() {
        delete [] m_str;

StringT(const StringT & other) {
        size_t len = 0;
        if (other.m_str) len = strlen(other.m_str);
        m_str = new char_type[len + 1]; //VALGRIND: 6 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 3
        strcpy(m_str, other.m_str);

    StringT(StringT && other) noexcept {
        m_str = other.m_str;
        other.m_str = nullptr;

     StringT & operator+=(const StringT &other) {
        if (other.m_str == nullptr) //when other str is empty just return current Str
            return *this;

        const size_t mysize{m_str ? strlen(m_str) : 0}; // check if not null then call strlen
        const size_t osize{other.m_str ? strlen(other.m_str) : 0};

        char *newStr = new char_type[osize + mysize + 1]; //VALGRIND: 11 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 3 of 3
        newStr[0] = '\0'; //strcat searches for '\0', so newStr has to be a valid String

        if (m_str) strcat(newStr, m_str);
        if (other.m_str) strcat(newStr, other.m_str);

        delete[] m_str; //delete old string
        m_str = newStr; //set member to new concatenated str

        return *this;

    size_t length() const {
        if (!m_str) return 0;
        return strlen(m_str);

    std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, StringT<> &other) {
        if (other.m_str) out << other.m_str;
        return out;

    char_type *m_str{nullptr};


int main() {

    const char *cArr = "Hello";
    const char *cArr2 = "World";
    StringT<char> hello(cArr);
    StringT<char> world(cArr2);
    StringT<char> emptyStr;

    std::cout << "hello: " << hello << std::endl;
    std::cout << "world: " << world << std::endl;
    std::cout << "emptyStr: " << emptyStr << std::endl;

    StringT<char> hCopy(hello);
    StringT<char> wMove(std::move(world));

    std::cout << "hCopy: " << hello << std::endl;
    std::cout << "hCopy: " << hCopy << std::endl;
    std::cout << "world: " << world << std::endl;
    std::cout<<  "wMove: " << wMove << std::endl;
    std::cout<<  "lenMove: " << wMove.length() << std::endl;
    std::cout<<  "lenEmptyStr: " << emptyStr.length() << std::endl;

    hello += wMove;
    std::cout<<  "hello += world: " << hello << std::endl;

    return 0;


  • Your delete is here:

    StringT() {
        delete [] m_str;

    But that's a constructor, not a destructor. 😉