I have been trying for a long time to generate a python code frome qtDesigner but I always have the same issue :
The command I used : pyuic5 ExtraInfo_Design.ui -o ExtraInfo_Designui.py
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"c:\users\Dorian\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\python.exe" "C:\Users\lDorian\Desktop\extrInfo\pyuic5.exe" ExtraInfo_Design.ui -o ExtraInfo_Designui.py'
I think that all these problems happen because I changed the name of my laptop so I have other files that had been created "lDorian".
I have tried to open the shell as ana administrator. I had tried to generate the code from a (.bat) file. I had tried to add python path to the path directory.
Thanks, folks.
After reinstalling Anaconda and all the version of python/pyqt that I already have, I opened the cmd on Windows but I had the same problem.
The solution is:
pyuic5 fileName.ui -o fileName.py
Have a nice day.