When I start my Substrate blockchain, I want to initialize users with some free balance.
How can I achieve this?
What if my chain is already running and I do not want to restart it?
The best way to set up your Substrate users with some initial free balance is to update your chain_spec.rs
file such that users are given units at the genesis block of your blockchain.
This genesis configuration happens through the Balances module:
fn testnet_genesis(initial_authorities: Vec<AuthorityId>, endowed_accounts: Vec<AccountId>, root_key: AccountId) -> GenesisConfig {
GenesisConfig {
balances: Some(BalancesConfig {
transaction_base_fee: 1,
transaction_byte_fee: 0,
existential_deposit: 500,
transfer_fee: 0,
creation_fee: 0,
balances: endowed_accounts.iter().cloned().map(|k|(k, 1 << 60)).collect(),
vesting: vec![],
Note the balances
configuration here where each of the endowed_accounts
are iterated, and their balance is set to 1 << 60
(which reads 1 left shift 60, which is 1152921504606846976
in decimal).
For the --dev
chain, the endowed_accounts
is just Alice, but you can add whatever accounts you want like this:
// From public key
Where the account_key
function uses the inputted string to generate an sr25519 seed.
fn account_key(s: &str) -> AccountId {
sr25519::Pair::from_string(&format!("//{}", s), None)
.expect("static values are valid; qed")
If you already have started a blockchain and you have the Sudo module enabled, then use can also make a call to the set_balance
privileged function in the Balances module.
This function will allow you to set the free and reserved balance of any account to any value.