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How can I initialize a user's balance in a Substrate blockchain?

When I start my Substrate blockchain, I want to initialize users with some free balance.

How can I achieve this?

What if my chain is already running and I do not want to restart it?


  • Genesis Configuration

    The best way to set up your Substrate users with some initial free balance is to update your file such that users are given units at the genesis block of your blockchain.

    This genesis configuration happens through the Balances module:

    fn testnet_genesis(initial_authorities: Vec<AuthorityId>, endowed_accounts: Vec<AccountId>, root_key: AccountId) -> GenesisConfig {
        GenesisConfig {
            balances: Some(BalancesConfig {
                transaction_base_fee: 1,
                transaction_byte_fee: 0,
                existential_deposit: 500,
                transfer_fee: 0,
                creation_fee: 0,
                balances: endowed_accounts.iter().cloned().map(|k|(k, 1 << 60)).collect(),
                vesting: vec![],

    Note the balances configuration here where each of the endowed_accounts are iterated, and their balance is set to 1 << 60 (which reads 1 left shift 60, which is 1152921504606846976 in decimal).

    For the --dev chain, the endowed_accounts is just Alice, but you can add whatever accounts you want like this:

        // From public key

    Where the account_key function uses the inputted string to generate an sr25519 seed.

    fn account_key(s: &str) -> AccountId {
        sr25519::Pair::from_string(&format!("//{}", s), None)
            .expect("static values are valid; qed")

    Sudo Module

    If you already have started a blockchain and you have the Sudo module enabled, then use can also make a call to the set_balance privileged function in the Balances module.

    This function will allow you to set the free and reserved balance of any account to any value.

    enter image description here