I would like to be able to provide a functional interface that accepts several different types of lambda functions.
I read this. The first answer to this question clarifies why overloading an abstract method in a functional interface could cause undefined behavior. However, is there a way to do the equivalent of overloading an abstract method in a functional interface if I supply all of the defaults?
I would like to be able to write something like the following code:
Ball b = () -> System.out.println("You hit it!");
Ball ba = (boolean miss) -> System.out.println(miss);
The desired result would be:
You hit it!
default false
default hit
Consider the following (non-compilable) code (mostly copied from the linked question):
public interface Ball
void hit();
void hit(boolean miss);
default void hit(){
System.out.println("default hit");
default void hit(boolean miss){
System.out.println("default" + miss);
I am looking for an alternative to this code that would compile.
You could wrap the interface in a class and then pass on the method calls to the interfaces internally.
Example code:
public class Test{
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception{
Ball b = new Ball(() -> System.out.println("You hit it!"));
Ball ba = new Ball((boolean miss) -> System.out.println(miss));
public static class Ball{
final Hit a;
final HitBoolean b;
public Ball(Hit a){
this.a = a;
b = (miss) -> System.out.println("default " + miss);
public Ball(HitBoolean b){
this.b = b;
a = () -> System.out.println("default hit");
public void hit(){
public void hit(boolean miss){
public interface Hit{
void hit();
public interface HitBoolean{
void hit(boolean miss);
Output of the program:
You hit it!
default false
default hit