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Single Sign-On with spring session ID cookie?

I'm working on an project that implements user authentication through Spring Security using a spring session ID stored in a cookie on the client's browser. There's no authentication server, the same server manages authentication and the whole app as a monolith.
So we are now in the need of implementing SSO with a third party system, so far everything I've read on the matter requires OAuth or some other implementation of token based authentication that supports an external identity provider. I would prefer not to migrate the authentication strategy as we are kinda on the clock.
I work on another project that has OAuth authentication so I'm not new on that topic (though not really an expert either).
Can someone throw some light on this? I just need to know if it is possible or there's no other way to migrate the authentication strategy.


  • Cookie based SSO is only possible (in an easy way) if you are using a so called 'domain cookie'. Technically all applications need to share the same 'cookie domain' then. However from security point of view this is highly discouraged, due to cookie hijacking being possible.