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Is it possible to deep link to a specific revision of an Azure DevOps wiki page?

I would like to generate a hyperlink to a read-only view of a specific revision of an Azure DevOps wiki page. The links provided on the Revisions page navigate to a commit review page with compare and preview tabs and include a Revert button (when permitted).

I have tried

  1.[organization]/[project]/_wiki/wikis/[project].wiki?pagePath=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fpage&version=[ETag] but the version is ignored and the latest revision is displayed.
  2.[organization]/[project]/_wiki/wikis/[project].wiki?pagePath=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fpage&version=[commithash] but the version is ignored and the latest revision is displayed.
  3.[organization]/[project]/_wiki/wikis/[project].wiki?_a=compare&wikiVersion=GBwikiMaster&pagePath=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fpage&version=[ETag]&view=preview which is viable but undesirable due to the risk of misguided reverts.


  • If you only set read-only permissions on Wiki security, the page you get using the third form of link has no Revert button, so there should be no risk of misguided reverts. **enter image description here**