I am testing the app using appium and integrating the test output in testrail. I need to add the device and app information in the testrail. In android i am able to get app and device information like device model, device version and app version using adb command like following:
adb -s 012313gasda shell getprop ro.product.model
adb -s 012313gasda shell getprop ro.build.version.release
adb -s 012313gasda shell dumpsys package com.test.app |grep versionName
How can i achieve the same information for ios? using following command will return you the device name and OS version as set in desired capabilities
Is there anyway to get device and app information for ios?
You can do something similar to adb using ideviceinfo such as in this SO post https://stackoverflow.com/a/55028994/8016330
PRODUCT_NAME=$(ideviceinfo --udid $DEVICE_UDID --key ProductName)
PRODUCT_TYPE=$(ideviceinfo --udid $DEVICE_UDID --key ProductType)
PRODUCT_VERSION=$(ideviceinfo --udid $DEVICE_UDID --key ProductVersion)