I often trap myself writing code like this when I need to construct a string depending on some condition (in this case isFavorite):
let me = Contact(name: "Stefan", isFavorite: true)
var message = "Contact \(me.name)"
if me.isFavorite {
message.append(" is a favorite contact")
These are 4 lines or alternatively a complex ternary operator (if ? then : else) for such a simple task. I always have a bad conscience with this...
Is there a way to do this more elegantly with Swift?
Indeed there is - I found the answer at the UIKonf 2019 where I heard from Erica Sadun that there is a way by using Swift 5 String Interpolation
to achieve this in one single line. All you need is this reusable extension:
extension String.StringInterpolation {
mutating func appendInterpolation(if condition: @autoclosure () -> Bool, _ literal: StringLiteralType) {
guard condition() else { return }
It enables you to transform your 4 lines into just one:
"Contact: \(me.name)\(if: me.isFavorite, " is a favorite contact")"
You can read about the different possibilities of Swift's string interpolation in in Erica's article: https://ericasadun.com/2018/12/12/the-beauty-of-swift-5-string-interpolation/
Start getting your hands dirty with this:
import Foundation
// *****************************************************************************
// Many thanks to Erica Sadun for describing the new possibilities of string
// interpolation in Swift 5 👍
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
// Conditional Interpolation
struct Contact {
let name: String
let isFavorite: Bool
let me = Contact(name: "Stefan", isFavorite: true)
// ***************************************************************** Swift 4
var message = "Contact \(me.name)"
if me.isFavorite {
message.append(" is favorite")
message // we need 4 lines to construct this message!!!
"Contact: \(me.name)\(me.isFavorite ? " is favorite" : "")" // or a complex ternary operator
// ***************************************************************** Swift 5
extension String.StringInterpolation {
mutating func appendInterpolation(if condition: @autoclosure () -> Bool, _ literal: StringLiteralType) {
guard condition() else { return }
"Contact: \(me.name)\(if: me.isFavorite, " is favorite")" // simple and clean - no extras
// *****************************************************************************
// Optional Interpolation
let optionalMe: Contact? = Contact(name: "Stefan", isFavorite: true)
// ***************************************************************** Swift 4
"Contact: \(optionalMe?.name)" // shows warning
// ***************************************************************** Swift 5
// Interpolate nil value
extension String.StringInterpolation {
/// Provides `Optional` string interpolation without forcing the
/// use of `String(describing:)`.
public mutating func appendInterpolation<T>(_ value: T?, default defaultValue: String) {
if let value = value {
} else {
let nilContact: Contact? = nil
"Contact: \(nilContact?.name, default: "nil")"
// Strip `Optional`
extension String.StringInterpolation {
/// Interpolates an optional using "stripped" interpolation, omitting
/// the word "Optional" from both `.some` and `.none` cases
public mutating func appendInterpolation<T>(describing value: T?) {
if let value = value {
} else {
"Contact: \(describing: optionalMe?.name)"