On my html I have a label that shows a number of amount of images I have submitted to the server for the specific instance. My problem now is that when I upload images it does not refresh the image count, I have to close the Mobile application and open in up again to see image counter going up/.
I have tried to change the variable in the Typescript code after the images are uploaded successfully but the String does not change
<StackLayout class="m-10">
<Label [text]="imagesCount + ' Photos Uploaded'" verticalAlignment="center" class="lbl-info" horizontalAlignment="center" textWrap="true"></Label>
get imagesCount() {
this._imagesCount = workAttachments.length;
return this._imagesCount;
I expect the Image Label to go from 0 Photos Uploaded
to 1 Photos Uploaded
-- Edit --
This is how I upload my images
doFileUpload(file: any) {
let actualFile = fs.File.fromPath(file);
let base64 = android.util.Base64.encodeToString(actualFile.readSync(), android.util.Base64.NO_WRAP);
let workOrderAttachment = new WorkOrderAttachment(new Attachment(base64, file.replace(/^.*[\/]/, ''), 0), WorkOrderAttachmentType.PHOTO, '');
this._service.workOrderAttachment(this.job.id, workOrderAttachment, ['id']).subscribe(result => {
if (result == null) {
UserInterfaceUtil.showError("Error Uploading images.", "");
} else {
UserInterfaceUtil.showInfo("Photos uploaded successfully.", "");
this._imagesCount += 1;
}, error => {
The only way I could get this done correctly was adding a button on the Form to refresh the Label. It is not the best way of doing what I need, but it is done.