I try to search for a match via the 2 teams, I tried several syntax, but nothing helps ...
Model Match:
class Match < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :home, class_name: 'Team', foreign_key: :home_id
belongs_to :away, class_name: 'Team', foreign_key: :away_id
Model Team:
class Team < ApplicationRecord
has_many :home_matches, class_name: 'Match', foreign_key: :home_id
has_many :away_matches, class_name: 'Match', foreign_key: :away_id
# Fields: name
I tried something like this:
Match.includes(:home, :away).where(homes: { name: 'Germany' }, aways: {name: 'China'})
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "homes")
Option 1.
Inspect in Rails Console query puts Match.joins(:home, :away).to_sql
You could get result like:
SELECT "matches".* FROM "matches" INNER JOIN "teams" ON "teams"."id" = "matches"."home_id" INNER JOIN "teams" "away_matches" ON "away_matches"."id" = "matches"."away_id"
If so, use query like
Match.joins(:home, :away).where(teams: { name: 'Germany' }, away_matches: {name: 'China'})
Option 2.
Try query like
Match.where(home: Team.where(name: 'Germany'), away: Team.where(name: 'China'))
You can also pre-find ids of Teams:
home_id = Team.find_by(name: 'Germany').id
away_id = Team.find_by(name: 'China').id
Match.where(home_id: home_id, away_id: away_id)