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SwiftLint Rule for Braces on next line but with some exceptions

I want to modify .swiftlint.yml to add some custom rules for enforcing braces on next line. This works for me ...

    name: "Opening Braces not on Next Line"
    message: "Opening braces should be placed on the next line."
    include: "*.swift"
    regex: '\S[ \t]*\{'
    severity: warning

However there are some cases where I want to allow braces on the same line, e.g. something like this:

override var cornerRadius: CGFloat
    get { return layer.cornerRadius }
    set { layer.cornerRadius = newValue }

How do I change my regexp to allow for same line for one-line getters/setters?


  • I suggest using

    regex: '^(?![ \t]*[sg]et[ \t]+\{.*\}).*\S[ \t]*\{'

    Or, its alternative with \h matching horizontal whitespace:

    regex: '^(?!\h*[sg]et\h+\{.*\}).*\S\h*\{'

    See the regex demo (or this one).


    • ^ - start of string
    • (?!\h*[sg]et\h+\{.*\}) - a location in string that should not be immediately followed with
      • \h* - 0+ horizontal whitespaces
      • [sg]et - set or get
      • \h+ - 1+ horizontal whitespaces
      • \{.*\} - {, any 0+ chars, as many as possible, and }
    • .* - any 0+ chars, as many as possible
    • \S - a non-whitespace char
    • \h* - 0+ horizontal whitespaces
    • \{ - a { char.