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Why GuzzleHttp client throws ClientException when using it to make network request on Laravel/Lumen?

I am currently building a Financial micro service application using Laravel/Lumen micro framework.Everything have been working perfectly as expected. My problem now is that i am trying to make a network request to my internal services via Api call from ApiGateway using GuzzleHttp client. The problem is that when i make request to the internal service, it always throws an exception of ClientException.


Client error: GET resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response: {"error":"Unauthorized.","code":401}

I have tried to make network request to the same internal services using postman; and it works fine. However, for some reason still fail to work with GuzzleHttp. I don't know what i am doing wrong. Please your assist will be appreciated.

Here is the httpClient.php in ApiGateway.

//Constructor method
public function __construct() {
    $this->baseUri = config('services.auth_admin.base_uri');

public function httpRequest($method, $requestUrl, $formParams = [], $headers = []) {
    //Instantiate the GazzleHttp Client
    $client = new Client([
        'base_uri' => $this->baseUri,
    //Send the request
    $response = $client->request($method, $requestUrl, ['form_params' => $formParams, 'headers' => $headers]);
    //Return a response
    return $response->getBody();

//Internal Service Communication in ApiGateway** 
public function getAdmin($header) {
    return $this->httpRequest('GET', 'admin', $header);


   public function getAdmin(Request $request) {
        return $this->successResponse($this->authAdminService->getAdmin($request->header()));

I am using Lumen version: 5.8 and GuzzleHttp Version: 6.3


  • You pass your headers as formParams (third index instead of fourth).

    Try below:

    return $this->httpRequest('GET', 'admin', [], $header);