i'm trying to use php with pdo. Is there any examples how to call oracle's stored procedure when the output parameter is a cursor?
I was able to do it using php with adodb and also oci8 extension
This is my stored procedure in Oracle
create or replace procedure Search_Personal_Data
( p_tipo_doc in Persona.TIPO_DOC%type,
p_nro_doc in Persona.NRO_DOC%type,
prc out sys_refcursor
//some code
PDO_OCI doesn't support REF CURSORS bind variables.
PDO is an abstraction layer so it doesn't have all the bells and whistles that native drivers like OCI8 have (although there has been some creep since the original PDO implementation).
You could convert the REF CURSOR to a PIPE, see https://blogs.oracle.com/opal/converting-ref-cursor-to-pipe-for-performance-in-php-oci8-and-pdooci