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DI: constructor of class how injectable calls serveral times

There are several classes, how injected TermsExchangeService:

import {TermsExchangeService} from './terms-exchange.service';

export class TermsExchangeComponent {
        private termsExchangeService: TermsExchangeService
    ) {}


import {TermsExchangeService} from './terms-exchange.service';

export class PurchaseMainComponent {
       private termsExchangeService: TermsExchangeService
    ) {}

and service how has been used in PurchaseMainComponent and TermsExchangeComponent

export class TermsExchangeService {

    constructor() {
        debugger; // call 2 times!!!

I use autoBindInjectable:

var simpleContainer = new Container({ autoBindInjectable: true })

When getting components from loop constructor of TermsExchangeService call several times:

for (let item = 0; item < components.length; item++) {
   const container = simpleContainer.get(components[item]);

Why object created in every components? And how do normal injections?


  • By default injectable is not Singleton.

    Solve this problem can adding defaultScope: 'Singleton':

    var simpleContainer = new Container(
                   autoBindInjectable: true, 
                   defaultScope: 'Singleton'