I want to display stored date on database on TextBox
<asp:TextBox ID="DateStatus" runat="server" Type="date" CssClass="form-control"></asp:TextBox>
but nothing is displayed in the textbox i used. I tried this
Dim getdate As Date = DetailTable.Rows(0)(3)
DateStatus.Text= getDate
Also this which i found here
Dim getdate As Date = DetailTable.Rows(0)(3)
DateStatus.Text = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(getdate)
When i debugged the code, the date passed correctly.
When i remove type="date"
the requested date is displayed just fine
Is it not Possible to do this?
on SideNote when i generate my table using <Asp:detailsview>
the date is generated with time 12:00:00
despite the field declared only as Date
in the schema, but i don't think it's relevant to my current issue since every thing looked fine during debugging
And Originally i store the date as Text (@date, DateStatus.Text)
This is HTML 5 stuff. If you have a real date from your database, I simulated like this
<asp:TextBox ID="txt1" runat="server" TextMode="date" />
Dim d As New Date(1922, 12, 25)
txt1.Text = d.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
'displays 12/25/1922
HTML 5 expects a string in the format yyyy-MM-dd and a supporting browser will display depending on Culture setting.