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page scraping to get prices from google finance

I am trying to get stock prices by scraping google finance pages, I am doing this in python, using urllib package and then using regex to get price data.

When I leave my python script running, it works initially for some time (few minutes) and then starts throwing exception [HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable]

I guess this is happening because on web server side it detects frequent page updates as a robot and throws this exception after a while..

is there a way around this, i.e. deleting some cookie or creating some cookie etc..

or even better if google gives some api, I want to do this in python because the complete app in python, but if there is nothing available in python to do this, I can consider alternatives. This is my python method that I use in loop to get data ( with few seconds of sleep I call this method in loop)

 def getPriceFromGOOGLE(self, symbol):
    gets last traded price from google for given security
    toReturn = 0.0
        base_url = ''
        req = urllib2.Request(base_url + symbol)
        content = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
        namestr = 'name:\"' + symbol + '\",cp:(.*),p:(.*),cid(.*)}'
        m =, content)
        if m:
            data = str('"'))
            price = data.replace(',','')
            toReturn = float(price)
            print 'ERROR ' + str(symbol) + ' --- ' + str(content)      
    except Exception, exc:
        print 'Exc: ' + str(exc)       
        return toReturn


  • There is a Google Finance API:

    And there is a Python client library for it: