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Passing zero or variable number of values to Click.Option

Suppose we have the following function, which has an optional parameter exclude, which is expected to be a list of strings:

def load(exclude = None):
    # ...

I want the user to be able to execute the script like so:

python load --exclude one two three


python load --exclude something

In which case, I would expect exclude to be ['one', 'two', 'three'] and ['something'], respectively. But I want the number of values in --exclude to be variable, including 0. I.e. The user should be able to execute

python load

In which case exclude should be None (or [], does not matter).

How can I do that using click?

My only viable option so far is forcing the user to use

python load --exclude "one two three"

and then calling exclude.split(), but something cleaner would be better.


  • It doesn't appear to be supported, in the way that you want, by Click:

    According to the docs Multi Value Options must have the number of options provided as specified in nargs, so nargs=2 requires 2 values.

    additionally, multiple options will not negate the need to pass the option multiple times.

    Your most likely solution is to pass a string and split, although I haven't used Click too deeply, so someone may have a better solution.