I am given a large data-table that needs to be aggregated according to the first column:
The problem is the following:
The following is a possible example of such a data-table. Let's assume that columns 3-9 need to be summed up and columns 10-12 need to be averaged.
M<-do.call(rbind, replicate(1000, a, simplify=FALSE)) # where m is your matrix
M<-cbind(M,matrix(sample(c(1:100),3000*10,replace=TRUE ),ncol=10))
M <- as.data.table(M)
The result should be a table of the form
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12
1: cat1 text1 27 81 78 95 27 22 12 76 18 76
2: cat2 text2 38 48 70 100 11 97 8 53 56 33
3: cat3 text3 58 18 66 24 14 73 18 27 92 70
but with entries the corresponding sums respective averages.
M[, names(M)[-c(1,2)] := lapply(.SD, as.numeric),
.SDcols = names(M)[-c(1,2)]][,
c(lapply(.SD[, ((3:9)-2), with=FALSE], sum),
lapply(.SD[, ((10:12)-2), with=FALSE], mean)),
by = eval(names(M)[c(1,2)])]
#> V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12
#> 1: cat1 text1 51978 49854 48476 49451 49620 49870 50248 50.193 51.516 49.694
#> 2: cat2 text2 50607 50097 50572 50507 48960 51419 48905 49.700 49.631 48.863
#> 3: cat3 text3 51033 50060 49742 50345 51532 51299 50957 50.192 50.227 50.689