I was wondering, I've got a Set of Arrays containing something of my own datatype. something looking like:
traces = {[<label1>, <label2>], [<label1>], [<label1>,<label2>,<label3>]}
Now, I would like to have a method that cleans all 'prefix'-existing arrays in the Set, so my new set will be in this example:
traces = {[<label1>,<label2>,<label3>]}
Anybody an idea how to make a clean implementation out of this? I hope there is a neater solution than stepping through traces and a Set new_traces and comparing every array-item several times.
Note: I define Array A is a prefix of Array B iff the first items of Array B are actually the Array A
Not quite the fastest solution, but rather simple:
s = Set.new([[1,2],[1],[1,2,3]])
array.length > prefix.length && array[0,prefix.length] == prefix
#=>[[1, 2, 3]]