I'm learning how to use shader in pyopengl through a sample project on GitHubGist. I came across "[]" syntax and I don't know what it means in this case.
I only know one use of "[]" which is indexing an array.
def initShader(self, vertex_shader_source, fragment_shader_source):
# create program
print('create program')
# vertex shader
print('compile vertex shader...')
self.vs = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER)
glShaderSource(self.vs, [vertex_shader_source])
glAttachShader(self.program, self.vs)
I don't understand the "[]" syntax used in glShaderSource()
The function glShaderSource
accepts a list of code snippets.
See PyOpenGL documentation of glShaderSource
glShaderSource( GLhandle(shaderObj),[bytes(string),...]) -> None
is the list of strings, where each string contains glsl source code ([]
generates a List
In this case the list contains only one element.
The elements of the list are concatenated and compiled.
See also the C specification of glShaderSource