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BitLocker Values

I'm trying to get BitLocker information from a remote host. I used to do this using PowerShell (Get-BitLockerVolume) which would provide lots of useful information. When I try using C#, I don't get as much information back. Looking on Microsoft's website and from further research, I can't find anything to help me.

Does anyone know how to get the same output as Get-BitLockerVolume in C#?

By the way, this is what I've been testing within C#:

CimSession session = CimSession.Create(computerHostName);

IEnumerable<CimInstance> GI1 = session.QueryInstances(@"root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption", "WQL", "SELECT * FROM Win32_EncryptableVolume");

foreach(CimInstance i in GI1)
    Console.WriteLine("MountPoint: {0}, Protection: {1}",


  • As Jeroen recalls, you will be able to get that information calling methods on your WMI instances. As for the docs, Win32_EncryptableVolume only exposes the following properties:

    class Win32_EncryptableVolume
      string DeviceID;
      string PersistentVolumeID;
      string DriveLetter;
      uint32 ProtectionStatus;

    To easily get the information you need using WMI and method access, you can use ORMi library:

    You can define for example your class like this:

    public class Win32_EncryptableVolume : WMIInstance
      public string DeviceID {get; set;}
      public string PersistentVolumeID {get; set;}
      public string DriveLetter {get; set;}
      public int ProtectionStatus {get; set;}
      public int Version {get; set;}
      public int GetVersion()
         return WMIMethod.ExecuteMethod<int>(this)

    Then you could do something like:

    WmiHelper _helper = new WmiHelper("root\\Cimv2"); //Define the correct scope
    List<Win32_EncryptableVolume> volumes = _helper.Query<Win32_EncryptableVolume>().ToList();
    foreach(Win32_EncryptableVolume v in volumes)
        v.Version = v.GetVersion();