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select distinct window function in PostgreSQL

I have a data table like the following:

How do you select the distinct continuities for each Longitudinal distance in a 10-step rolling window?

Ideally, I'd want something in the Ideal output column in which the results are arrays.

Thanks. enter image description here


  • One method uses arrays:

    select t.*,
           (select count(distinct c) from unnest(ar) c) as num_distinct
    from (select t.*,
                 array_agg(continuity) over (order by distance rows between 9 preceding and current row) ar
          from t
         ) t;


    Or, if you want the values, aggregate them:

    select t.*,
           (select array_agg(distinct c) from unnest(ar) c) as num_distinct
    from (select t.*,
                 array_agg(continuity) over (order by distance rows between 9 preceding and current row) ar
          from t
         ) t;